Sleeping Figure Oil, graphite and thread on linen. 90cm x 110cm

Sleeping Figure, 2021

Oil, graphite and thread on linen

90cm x 110cm


All Hands, 2020

Oil, thread and graphite on canvas

120cm x 90cm

Contain it!Oil, thread and graphite on linen, 25cm x 30cm

Contain it! 2020

Oil, thread and graphite on linen

25cm x 30cm

Cross-legged (Left)                                                      Climbing the Third Stair II (Right) Oil and graphite on canvas                                         Oil and graphite on canvas

Cross-legged (Left) Climbing the Third Stair II (Right) 

Oil and graphite on canvas Oil and graphite on canvas

Shadows Purple TintedOil and graphite on linen. 25cm x 30cm

Shadows Purple Tinted, 2020

Oil and graphite on linen

25cm x 30cm

Piece of MindOil, graphite and staples on linen. 130cm x 160cm

Piece of Mind, 2020

Oil, graphite and staples on linen

130cm x 160cm

QuarantineGouache on paper, 40cm x 30cm

Quarantine, 2020

Gouache on paper

40cm x 30cm

T1-T12Oil and graphite on linen. 90cm x 120cm

T1-T12, 2020

Oil and graphite on linen

80cm x 100cm

PolyOil, thread and comte crayon on linen. 130cm x 160cm

Poly, 2020

Oil, thread and comte crayon on linen

130cm x 160cm